
As a UK SME with a turnover of less than £36 million, h-trak Limited is not legally required to provide a Modern Slavery Statement. The Company however feels strongly that we show our support and commitment to the prevention of slavery and human trafficking across our business and supply chain. 

This Statement therefore affirms our intention to act ethically in all our business relationships. We seek out to only deal with suppliers who also are committed to, and comply with, the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 

Organisational structure and supply chains 

h-trak Limited provides the h-trak system, a Software as a Service solution, for tracking, purchasing, inventory management, costing and reporting functions in critical care environments. 

Using barcoding and mobile data capture technologies, the h-trak system accurately identifies products used in surgical procedures, providing a rich source of procedure information to enrich patient level costing; trigger stock replenishment and improve patient safety by ‘tracking and tracing’ clinical implants. The Company sells and implements the h-trak system into hospitals and clinical areas for public and private healthcare providers. 

The Company is a limited liability private company registered in England and Wales, and our UK office is in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. There are sister companies offering the h-trak system in Australia and Germany: Htrak Pty Ltd with offices in Melbourne and Sydney, and h-trak GmbH with offices in Ulm. 

In terms of our supply chain, the Company uses suppliers for IT hardware, IT services and general office management products and services. 

Due diligence 

The Company undertakes due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers, and regularly reviews our existing suppliers. Prior to selecting a supplier, a series of quality checks (e.g. financial viability, reputation, corporate social responsibility) are undertaken. Our aim is to build long-standing relationships with suppliers and evaluating the modern slavery and human trafficking risks of each new supplier is taken seriously. 

Within the UK, responsibility for the Company’s anti-slavery initiatives and policy development rests with the Company Director. 


To ensure a good understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains, the Company undertakes an annual briefing to its employees. For new employees, the Modern Slavery Act is covered as part of their company induction. 

All employees have a duty to be alert to risks, however small and are expected to report their concerns to their line manager, who will flag these to the UK h-trak Limited Management team. An action plan will then be developed. 

Polices supporting Modern Slavery Act 

h-trak Limited has an established Whistleblowing policy in place, outlining that if any employee in the course of their employment, becomes aware of information which they reasonably believe tends to show that the health or safety of any individual has been, is being, or is likely to be, endangered, must inform their Line Manager. There is a defined procedure to follow. 

If it is inappropriate to make such a disclosure to their Line Manager, the employee must speak to the UK General Manager. Employees will suffer no detriment of any sort for making such a disclosure in accordance with this procedure. 

Contact Information 

For queries over this statement please contact h-trak Limited via